If you are unable to locate the topic you need below, please visit our School Board Policies page or contact your school's office for assistance.
- Academic Cheating
- Activities (Clubs and Organizations)
- After-School Plans
- Attendance
- Behavior
- Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, and Scooters
- Birthday Parties and Gifts
- Bus Riding Expectations
- Closed Campus
- Complaints
- Computer and Internet Use
- Conferences
- Desks and Cubbies
- Detention, Suspension, Expulsion
- Directory Information
- Discrimination
- Dress Code
- Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Weapons
- Early Release
- Electronics & Personal Devices (Phones)
- Emergency Drills
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Field Trips
- Food and Drink
- Fundraising
- Harassment/Bullying, Fighting
- Illness at School
- Language
- Library
- Lost and Found
- Make-up Work
- Medications
- Parental Rights
- Personal Contact
- Physical Education
- Pre-Arranged Absence
- Release of Students from School
- Student Education Records
- Student Fee
- Tardies
- Teacher Assistance Outside of Class
- Threats of Violence
- Volunteers and Visitors
- Weapons
Academic Cheating
Students will not submit for academic credit any work that is not of their own creation and/or gained from another individual, unless the work is designed as a group assignment. Those caught cheating will receive an "F" for the assignment and/or discipline consequences.
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) interfaces should not have a negative impact on students' learning opportunities nor mislead instructors in the process of assessment. School administrators and district leaders will monitor progress in AI and develop policies and protocols to ensure its appropriate use.
Activities (Clubs and Organizations)
Lebanon Community School District believes that a dynamic menu of student activities is vital to educational and personal development. Therefore, we offer a variety of clubs, organizations, and co-curricular options for students to participate in, with a greater menu of options at the secondary grade levels. At any time throughout the school year, local options for elementary youth to join athletics, arts, camps, and more are posted on our Events & Opportunities page.
Activities offered at Cascades include, but are not limited to:
- Bike Club
- Chess Club
- Coding Club
- Kids' Culture Club
- Running Club
After-School Plans
Make arrangements with your student before they leave home in the morning regarding where they go after school. If there is any deviation from your student’s normal after-school routine (e.g., changes in busing, rides home, or persons picking up student), a note with all necessary details and a parent signature is required by the school office. A student will not be released to anyone who is not on their enrollment card without written permission by a parent/guardian.
Please excuse a student absence within 24 hours and provide the reason. Policy JED lists appropriate reasons for excused absences. State law (ORS 339) gives district officials the right to excuse or not excuse absences based upon the reasons, pattern, or frequency of absences.
You may excuse an absence by calling the number listed below, via ParentSquare, or by sending a note with your student to the office.
It is a legal requirement (see Policy JEA) of parents and guardians to ensure their student’s regular school attendance. In addition, research shows that regular attendance is vital to students’ success: those “who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not,” and “poor attendance has serious implications for later outcomes as well,” with high school dropouts showing a history of absenteeism at higher rates than their graduating peers. (National Center for Education Statistics, 2023).
State law (ORS 581-023-0006) requires that we withdraw students who miss ten (10) consecutive days of school for any reason; they must re-enroll in order to return to school.
When students demonstrate behavioral deficits, either academically or social-emotionally, teachers and school staff engage in teaching and re-teaching of needed skills. If success is not achieved with general best practices, schools have a variety of tiered systems and interventions in place for additional and individualized support. The school may contact parents or guardians to encourage family partnership and collaboration to help the student succeed.
If you have concerns that your student is struggling academically or social-emotionally, please contact the teacher(s), a counselor, or an administrator. If you are unsure where to begin, simply call the school office, and they will share your concerns with the appropriate parties.
School Board Policies JG and JFC outline the objectives for discipline that schools may employ for the safety and welfare of personnel and students. Note that school staff, based on training, licensure, and context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation. If you have any questions, please contact that staff member, or your school’s administrator, for clarification or assistance.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, and Scooters
All bicycles are to be parked in a bicycle stand and secured. Students park bicycles at their own risk. Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, and similar devices are not welcome on District grounds; however, if a student forgets and brings one of these items to school or routinely uses them to travel to and from school, there is a designated area where they must be secured. For more information, please view School Board Policy JHFCA.
Birthday Parties and Gifts
Recognizing your student’s birthday at school must be coordinated with administration. Teachers’ preferences regarding birthday invitations differ. Store-bought treats to share with the class, and/or any gifts dropped off or delivered, may be brought to the office; we will call your child to the office to show them the gift, and they may pick it up at day’s end to avoid distractions in the classroom. Note that any balloons must be mylar (due to latex allergies) and that any balloons and floral bouquets are not allowed on buses.
Bus Riding Expectations
Students who ride buses to and from school or school-sponsored activities are expected to follow rules and regulations. Bus drivers and school officials will use professional judgement, and contextual information, to respond to misconduct related to transportation. Law enforcement may be contacted as needed. Note: balloons of any kind and floral bouquets are not permitted on buses.
Please view state law (ORS 581-053-0010) and School Board Policies JFC, EEACC, EEACC-AR, and EEACE. Visit our Transportation page and contact the staff, or your school’s administrator, with any questions.
Closed Campus
The school has a closed campus, and students cannot leave campus once they arrive unless they are checked out by an authorized adult in the front office. Law enforcement may be contacted if a student leaves campus without permission. There will be no supervision on campus before or after school hours.
Any student or member of the public who wishes to express a concern should discuss the matter with the school employee involved. Please view our Complaint Process for more information.
Computer and Internet Use
Network and internet access is a privilege, not a right, and therefore entails personal responsibility. To use a computer and/or the internet students must have a school assignment or other approved reason for using district equipment and resources.
Users of the network, which includes internet, are responsible for their behavior and communications over these networks just as they are in a classroom or in a school hallway. All users must comply with Lebanon Community School District standards at all times when accessing the District and school networks, including the sending and receiving of email or communicating on the internet.
Network storage areas (files, folders, District email boxes and student accounts) will be treated in the same manner as student lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that users are using the system responsibly. USERS SHOULD NOT EXPECT THAT FILES STORED ON DISTRICT OR SCHOOL SERVERS ARE PRIVATE. Accounts will be monitored and the system administrators may read files. Students are responsible for all information stored in their area of the network and the condition of the computer when they log out.
Note to Students: Please understand that the use of the Lebanon School District Network is a privilege, and all students must abide by the rules expressed herein. Students must understand that the internet contains materials inappropriate for school use, and therefore, they must take responsibility for materials found or acquired on the network. Further understand that any violation of the regulations in this handbook is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Understand that if a student commits any violation, access privileges may be revoked and appropriate school discipline or legal action may be taken.
Conferences--where parents/guardians are invited to come to schools and meet individually with teachers to discuss student progress--are scheduled annually in the fall and spring.
Students and parents may also expect teachers or administrators to request a conference: (1) if the student is not maintaining passing grades or achieving the expected level of performance; (2) if the student is not maintaining behavior expectations; or (3) in any other case the staff member considers necessary.
The District encourages a student or parent in need of additional information or with questions or concerns to confer with the appropriate teacher, counselor, or principal. A parent who wishes to confer with a teacher may arrange a mutually convenient time with the teacher directly via ParentSquare or call the school office for assistance in making an appointment.
Desks and Cubbies
School Board Policies JFG and JFG-AR state that lockers (which include desks and cubbies at the elementary level) are not private property of students but rather assigned to the students for their use; therefore, they are under the jurisdiction of the district and subject to search at any time. School officials may search lockers when they have reasonable cause, whether or not the student assigned to the locker is present.
Detention, Suspension, Expulsion
Detention: As a consequence for disciplinary infractions, a student may be given detention. Failure to serve may result in increased consequences.
In-School Suspension (ISS): As a consequence for disciplinary infractions, a student may be given in-school suspension by an administrator. Students given ISS must bring work to complete during their time there. Strict rules are enforced in this space, and lunch with peers is forfeited. Parents/guardians will be notified about their student's ISS assignment and circumstance.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS): As a consequence for disciplinary infractions, a student may be given out-of-school suspension by an administrator for up to ten consecutive days for each serious violation. Students serving OSS will be given the opportunity to complete work at home so that their learning is not interrupted and they may receive up to full credit for work assigned. They may make up tests and projects that cover learning beyond the length of the suspension.
A student serving OSS may not attend or participate in any school activities or events or be present on any district property until they have returned to school following completion of the suspension. Failure to observe the restrictions may result in arrest for trespassing. Those who persistently violate school policy and have been subject to multiple suspensions may be banned from school and extracurricular activities pending an appeal process.
Expulsion: A student may be expelled for severe or repeated violations. Major violations or excessive disciplinary consequences or suspensions will result in a recommendation to the Superintendent for expulsion from school. Students may be expelled for up to one calendar year. Any student expelled from school may not attend any school activities such as dances, club activities or functions, any athletic event, be present on any district property, nor participate in any activities sponsored by the district until the term of their expulsion has expired. Failure to comply could result in arrest for trespassing.
Directory Information
Certain information about students is considered directory information. Directory information may include, but is not limited to, the student’s name, address, phone number, email address, photographs, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. Unless the parent/legal guardian or student 18 years of age objects to the release of any or all of this information within 15 school days of the date this handbook was issued to families, directory information may be released by the District for use by the following list of organizations and programs and for other purposes, as deemed appropriate by the building administrator.
The Lebanon School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender expression, gender identity, national origin, parental or marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to designated youth groups.
Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, whether or not they are alleged to be the victim. To do so, please visit our Nondiscrimination page for contact information or School Board Policy AC-AR for the procedure.
Dress Code
Please view School Board Policy JFCA. School staff, based classroom or school expectations or additional context, may determine that clothing or accessories are disruptive to learning or are unsafe. Students may be asked to change or modify clothing, or they may be sent home to change. Persistent violations of dress code will lead to further disciplinary consequences.
Students who represent the school in a voluntary activity or who are part of a school program may be required to meet additional dress and grooming standards and may be denied the opportunity to participate if those standards are not met.
The following are examples of clothing inappropriate for school. Other items may be deemed inappropriate.
- Clothing or accessories bearing statements that are obscene, disrespectful or suggestive or that advertise or reference drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, violence, or anarchy.
- Trench coats.
- Clothing with insufficient coverage of body parts such as stomach, chest, or personal areas.
- Pants that sag below the hips.
- Bare feet (shoes or sandals must be worn at all times).
- Hoods on heads.
- Capes or flags draped over the shoulders.
Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Weapons
Please view School Board Policy JFCG/JFCH/JFCI.
Note that products and look-alike products are banned from school campuses and school-sponsored events. Students in violation face disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion. Law enforcement may be contacted. School staff, based on training, licensure, and context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation.
Unlawful delivery of a controlled substance to a student or minor within 1,000 of district property is a Class A felony, per ORS 475.904.
If you have any questions, please contact your school’s administrator for clarification or assistance.
Early Release
Lebanon Community Schools release students early every Wednesday afternoon (except the first Wednesday of the school year). Please see the School Year Calendar for dates and exceptions. The time is used for staff professional development, training, and collaboration.
Electronics & Personal Devices (Phones)
Unless teachers or administration grant otherwise, students are prohibited from using electronics and personal communication devices, such as phones, during instructional time. Cell phones must be silenced and stowed in a designated location per school or classroom rules. Please view School Board Policy JFCEB. Limited use may be allowed during lunch and before or after school.
Students are encouraged not to bring valuable personal belongings to school. The school assumes no responsibility if a student's personal belongings are destroyed or stolen.
Note that school staff, based classroom or school expectations or additional context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation involving electronics; this may include confiscation of a device until a parent or guardian can retrieve it. If you have any questions, please contact that staff member directly for clarification or assistance.
Emergency Drills
Instruction and drills on fire, earthquake, and safety threats will be conducted for at least 30 minutes each school month. The following are minimum expectations for practice; schools and staff may opt to extend or increase time spent on reviewing emergency preparation.
- Fire drills, which include routes and methods of exiting the school building, will be conducted each month for students in grades K-12.
- One earthquake drill, requiring sheltering in place, will be conducted annually.
- Monthly drills for safety threats will be conducted at least twice annually for students in grades K-12. These drills and instruction on will include procedures outlined in the Standard Response Protocol, used by our local law enforcement partners. Learn more on our School Safety page.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records and affords parents certain rights with respect to those records. Find out more at the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA page.
Note that schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. Please see the Directory Information tab in this handbook for details.
Field Trips
Please view School Board Policies IICA and IICA-AR(A) and connect with your school’s front office for further information.
We will not allow a student to check out with another student's parent/guardian unless all necessary steps are completed for that arrangement. Students who exhibit safety concerns may be prohibited from attending field trips unless parent/guardian supervision is present.
Note: We follow state guidance in regard to supporting gender expansive students in and out of the classroom. See page 34 (section 1.i.iv. Travel) in ODE Guidance (dated 1/5/23) for details.
Food and Drink
Food and drink provided by a teacher may be consumed under teacher supervision in the classroom. Food and drink purchased in the cafeteria must be consumed in the cafeteria unless supervised by an adult. Sodas, energy drinks, coffees, and candy are not to be brought to school. For student safety, there will be no sharing of food or drinks.
Student organizations, clubs or classes, athletic teams, outside organizations, and/or parent groups may occasionally be permitted to conduct fundraising drives.
All funds raised or collected by or for school-approved student groups will be receipted, deposited, and accounted for in accordance with Oregon law and applicable district policy and procedures. All such funds will be expended for the purpose of supporting the school's extracurricular activities program. The Director of Business and building principal are responsible for administering student activity funds.
Activities concerned with fundraising for charitable or other causes not relating to school activities may not be carried on without prior approval of the building principal or the superintendent.
Harassment/Bullying, Fighting
LCSD takes the physical and psychological safety of our students and staff seriously. All who attend and work in our schools have the right to do so in an environment free from harassment and bullying, bodily harm, and intimidation, in any form. Students who engage in these behaviors will be subject to serious consequences, including referral to law enforcement.
Please view School Board Policy JFCF2. Note that school staff, based on training, licensure, and context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your school’s administrator.
Illness at School
Students who are determined to be ill will be sent or taken to the Health Office. Health Office staff will notify parents/legal guardians according to information provided on emergency forms and submitted to the school. Parents/legal guardians are encouraged to update this information as often as necessary. In emergency cases, students will be taken to the Emergency Room at Lebanon Community Hospital. Students leaving campus due to illness must sign out at the Attendance Office.
For more information, visit our Health Services page or contact your school's Health Assistant.
Students have freedom of speech; however, that does not include language that is disruptive to the educational environment or impacts the safety or well-being of others. Profanity, obscene or offensive language (electronic, written, verbal, gestures, or in any other form) is not allowed on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities. Students who violate this expectation are subject to disciplinary consequences.
To visit the library during class time, students must have a signed pass from their teacher. Library staff may have additional expectations that are shared verbally or posted for students to follow.
Students will be charged a fine of ten cents ($.10) per day for books not returned by the due date and incur replacement costs for lost or damaged materials. Those with overdue books or fines may not check out additional books or materials until the fine is paid.
Lost and Found
A lost and found area is maintained at school. Valuables and small items such as jewelry, glasses, etc. are held separately in the office.
The school and District are not responsible for lost or stolen items, valuables, or money brought to school. Labeling all clothing and personal items is helpful in recovering misplaced items. Please encourage your child to look for misplaced items as soon as possible; parents/guardians may stop in and look for a missing item during office hours.
Lost and found items are kept until the end of each semester. Unclaimed items are donated to a local charity.
Make-up Work
Please view School Board Policies IK, IKA, and IKA-AR. Note that school staff, based on best practice, additional context, and/or classroom or school expectations, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teacher directly for clarification or assistance.
Please view our Health Services page or refer to School Board Policies JHCD/JHCDA and JHCD/JHCDA-AR. Contact our district nurses at nurses@lebanon.k12.or.us with questions or for further information.
Note: Medications must be brought to school and picked up from school by an adult. Those not picked up by the last day of school each June will be disposed of.
Parental Rights
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. Find out more at the U.S. Department of Education’s PPRA page.
Lebanon Community School District values the input of involvement of our students' parents and families in their educational experience. To learn about a School Board policy in a particular area, including how that may pertain to the role of parents, please explore our Policies page, and contact us with any questions.
Personal Contact
Physical displays of affection at school or school-sponsored activities that include personal, extended, or intimate contact are not allowed. Students who engage in these behaviors may be subject to discipline, depending upon the circumstances. Note that school staff, based on training and context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation.
Physical Education
No student shall be excused from participating in the prescribed physical education program unless that person presents a doctor’s excuse indicating the reason why they should not participate. In almost all situations, alternative activities will be used to allow students to receive daily credit.
Note: Sneakers (tennis shoes) are necessary to participate in PE.
Pre-Arranged Absence
State law (ORS 339) gives district officials the right to excuse or not excuse absences based upon the reasons, pattern, or frequency of absences. Based on the acceptable reasons for excused absences cited in Policy JED, vacations or family trips may not be excused. However, making prior arrangements ensures that a student's success is less likely to be impacted by an absence.
Please contact your school's front office for a Pre-Arranged Absence Form.
Release of Students from School
A student shall not be released from school at times other than the regular dismissal hours except with administrative permission or according to school sign-out procedures. The school office staff will determine that permission has been granted before allowing a student to leave. A student will not be released to any person without the approval of their parent/legal guardian or as otherwise provided by law.
Students must sign out of school at the front office. Failure to do so may result in an unexcused absence.
Student Education Records
The information contained below shall serve as the district's annual notice to parents of minors and eligible students (if 18 years of age or older) of their rights and the location and district official responsible for education records.
"Education records" are those records related to a student and maintained by the District. A student's education records are confidential and protected from unauthorized inspection or use. All access and release of education records with and without parent and eligible student notice and consent will comply with all state and federal laws.
Personally identifiable information shall not be disclosed without parent or eligible student authorizations or as otherwise provided by Board policy and law.
Permanent records shall include:
- Full legal name of student;
- Name and address of educational agency or institution;
- Student birth date and place of birth;
- Name of parent/guardian;
- Date of entry into school;
- Name of school previously attended;
- Course of study and marks received;
- Data documenting a student's progress toward the achievement of state standards and must include a student's Oregon State Assessment results;
- Credits earned;
- Attendance;
- Date of withdrawal from school; and
- Such additional information as the District may prescribe.
The provision of the student's social security number is voluntary and will be included as part of the student's permanent record only as provided by the eligible student or parent. The district will notify the eligible student or parent as to the purposes a social security number will be used. At no point will a student's social security number or student identification number be considered directory information.
Memory aids and personal working notes of individual staff members are considered personal property and are not to be interpreted as part of the student's education records, provided they are in the sole possession of the maker.
- Access/Release of Education Records
- Provision for Hearing to Challenge Content of Education Records
- Requests for Education Records
- Social Security Number
- Transfer of Education Records
Access/Release of Education Records
By law, both parents, whether married, separated, or divorced, have access to the records of a student who is under 18 years of age, unless the District is provided evidence that there is a court order or parenting plan, state statute or legally-binding document relating to such matters as divorce, separation, or custody that specifically revokes these rights.
Parents of a minor, or an eligible student (if 18 years of age or older), may inspect and review education records during regular district hours.
Provision for Hearing to Challenge Content of Education Records
Parents of a minor, or eligible student (if 18 years of age or older), may inspect and review the student's education records and request a correction if the records are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights. If the District refuses the request to amend the contents of the records, the requester has the right to a hearing as follows:
- Parents shall make request for hearing in which the objections are specified in writing to the principal;
- The principal shall establish a date and location for the hearing agreeable to both parties;
- The hearings panel shall consist of the following:
- The principal or designated representative;
- A member chosen by the eligible student or student's parent(s); and
- A disinterested, qualified third party appointed by the superintendent.
- The hearing shall be private. Persons other than the student, parents or guardians, witnesses, and counsel shall not be admitted.
An individual who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing shall preside over the panel. That individual shall hear evidence from the staff and from the parents to determine the point or points of disagreement regarding the education records. The panel shall make a determination after hearing the evidence and determine what steps, if any, are to be taken to correct the education record. Such actions are to be made in writing to the parents.
If, after such a hearing is held as described above, the parents are not satisfied with the recommended action, the parents may appeal to the Board where the action of the hearings panel may be reviewed and affirmed, reversed, or modified. Procedure for appeal beyond the local Board follows the prescribed actions as set forth in federal regulations. The parent or eligible student may file a complaint with the Federal Family Compliance Office, United States Department of Education regarding an alleged violation of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. File complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202.
A copy of the District's education records policy and administrative regulation may be obtained by contacting the district office.
Requests for Education Records
The District shall, within 10 days of a student seeking initial enrollment in or services from the District, notify the public or private school, education service district, institution, agency, detention facility, or youth care center in which the student was formerly enrolled and shall request the student’s education record.
Social Security Number
The provision of the student’s social security number is voluntary and will be included as part of the student’s permanent record only as provided by the eligible student or parent. The District will notify the eligible student or parent as to the purposes a social security number will be used. At no point will a student’s social security number or student information number be considered directory information.
Transfer of Education Records
The District shall transfer originals of all requested student educational records, including any ESD records, relating to a particular student, to the new educational agency when a request to transfer such records is made to the district. The transfer shall be made no later than 10 days after receipt of the request.
The District shall retain a copy of the educational records that are to be transferred in accordance with applicable Oregon Administrative Rules.
Student report cards and records of diplomas may be withheld for nonpayment of fines or fees. Records requested by another school district to determine the student’s progress may not be withheld.
Student Fee
Teacher Assistance Outside of Class
Threats of Violence
LCSD takes the physical and psychological safety of our students and staff seriously. All who attend and work in our schools have the right to do so in an environment free from threats, in any form. Students who engage in these behaviors will be subject to serious consequences, including referral to law enforcement.
Please view School Board Policy JFCM1. Note that school staff, based on training, licensure, and context, may use professional judgment to respond appropriately and uniquely to a situation. If you have any questions, please contact your school’s administrator for clarification or assistance.